Benchmark Horse Feed branded clothing, proudly made available through the support of our friends at Bairnsdale Horse Centre. Our collection will continue to expand and adapt to ensure we offer clothing that you want to wear. We are not clothing retailers but have facilitated this opportunity in response to many requests from loyal Benchmarkers.
While Benchmark Horse Feeds are not involved in any transactions and will not benefit from the sale of this clothing, we are committed to supporting the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research. This WA- based organisation works at the cutting edge of research to drive discovery and find answers to metastatic breast cancer - a disease that has impacted the lives of countless women and their families. Although progress is being made and outcomes are improving, the battle still continues.
$5 from the sale of every Benchmark branded item will be donated to Professor Andy Redfern and his team at the institute. You can find more information about their import work here
****** New Zealand customers wanting to purchase - send an email to with what you'd like, your size and postal address and I'll organise an invoice. :)
Get 10% OFF your first order over $100.
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